EP#002–Where Do TV Writers Get Ideas?

EP #002– Where do TV Writers Get Their Ideas? Listen and learn…

In this, our second podcast episode, I take you through the concept of LOGLINES and how they can be used to create a TV show.

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EPISODE #002–Where Do TV WRITERS Get Ideas?


RUN TIME about 22 minutes

The show is divided into four parts.

PART ONE: The Story

Today I make you take the Writer’s Pledge. When you do, you’ll be part of our super secret society!

PART TWO: The Topic of the Week.  

  • Finding a METHODOLOGY to writing TV
  • Loglines. What are they? How do they work.

PART THREE: Your Homework

Here’s your homework:

  • Write some LOGLINES for a SERIES PREMISE that is sparked by these two photos. Use one, or write for both, or combine the two!  Have fun!
photo credit– olly18–depositphotos.com
photo credit– info.zonecreative.it–depositphotos.com


PART FOUR: Your Questions

Today we take a question from ARWEN in SEATTLE about how to judge how fast a page of a TV script will play in minutes.

Have a question for me about TV WRITING? Send it to me at:

TV writing podcast at Gmail.com

I’ve got it all spelled out for obvious reasons: I hate spam as much as you do!

I plan on releasing these episodes monthly, so I can do them right. Won’t you subscribe? And tell your friends.

Here’s a book I highly suggest you have. (And yes, I get rewarded through Amazon’s Affiliate program. That helps pay the costs of bringing this to you.)

The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows, 1946-Present

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